Sangha Activities on Saturday, June 24

Zazen and Teisho by John-sensei: Sunday, June 25

At 8:30 am in the zendo at Arnold Park, we’ll have one extended round of sitting with a bell at the half-way point for a posture change, followed by kinhin, a short chanting service, and then John-sensei’s teisho. All will be broadcast on Zoom.

Also on Sunday: Annual Corporate Meeting of Members

Our annual meeting of members begins at 11 am in the Buddha Hall and on Zoom. All members are invited to attend and learn about current initiatives, the Center’s finances, and future plans.

Following teisho (~10:30), we’ll start with our usual brunch of bagels and beverages in the dining room, and then we’ll head over to the Buddha Hall. Feel free to bring your beverage along to the meeting.

Roshi’s Latest Podcast

As mentioned in yesterday’s message from Jonathan Hager, Chair of the Center’s Board of Trustees, Roshi’s new podcast is about the recent decision not to display the Black Lives Matter flag (or other non-Dharma-symbol flags) on the Arnold Park building. You’ll find the podcast here.

Dokusan Schedule Next Week

Donna-sensei will offer dokusan, as usual, on Monday night, June 26, at Arnold Park. After that, all other dokusans will be held at Chapin Mill during the Work Retreat: Donna-sensei on Tuesday and Thursday evening; John-sensei on Wednesday and Friday evening.

And speaking of the Work Retreat …

It’s Almost Here! (June 27 to July 1)

Time to roll up our sleeves and work on the beautiful grounds and Retreat Center at Chapin Mill. It’s never too late to apply, even if you can only make it for a day (or half day). You’ll find the updated schedule here. Note that the regular sittings at the Arnold Park Center and on Zoom will continue uninterrupted, even though most of the staff will be staying at Chapin Mill next week.

Help Wanted: Maintaining the Lawn at Arnold Park

The Repair and Maintenance dynamic duo (Danan Redding and Joe DiDonato) is knee deep in renovating the long-neglected dorms. This renovation project has taken much of their work time, so we’re looking for a volunteer who can regularly mow the front and back lawns during the summer months. If you’re interested in volunteering for this, or some other task related to gardens and grounds upkeep, please contact Danan

Canceled: Jell-O Gallery Museum Fieldtrip, Thursday, June 29

In case you were planning to join the excursion to the birthplace of Jell-O in LeRoy, we had to cancel this group activity due to unforeseen circumstances. Our Sangha Programs team will look into rescheduling it in the future.