Beginning on January 16  and ending on February 20  before the February 4-day sesshin, we’ll have a 5-week Term Intensive.  These “TI’s” (we have two each year) are excellent opportunities to step up our sitting and to work with habit patterns we’d like to change.  They’re  also an good way to get to know others in the Sangha! 

We meet in the Center library on Thursday evenings after an hour or so of sitting to share with each other how it’s going.  Whether you’ve been practicing for years or are just beginning, there’s a lot you can get out this group effort and a lot you can contribute.

If you’re not able to make it to the meetings, you can still join in and report by email.  We’ve had a lot of positive feedback from out-of-town members who do just that.

There’s information on the website, and if you have questions, catch or call or email John or Trueman, and we’ll do our best to point you in the right direction.