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Additional Information for Sesshin

Below is additional information that is specific to the April 13-20, 2024 (7-day) Sesshin.  Here is the daily sesshin schedule. Whether you’re attending sesshin inperson or online, take time to look over the general guidelines and instructions that apply here for in-person and here for online.   If attending in-person at Chapin Mill New COVID-19 Protocols We are announcing changes…

Uprooting Racism

You’re invited to join this hour-long, hybrid meeting of Uprooting Racism. We begin at 11:15 am (Eastern) in the Garden Conference Room at Arnold Park and on Zoom . The mission of Uprooting Racism is to gain personal insight into racism in order to abandon it on an individual level, dismantle it on an institutional…

Repentance Ceremony

Repentance Gatha All harmful actions committed by me since time immemorial Stemming from greed, anger, and delusion, Arising from body, speech, and mind, I now repent having committed. More details to come…

Thanksgiving & Jukai 2023

Thursday, November 16 7:00 p.m. Zazen and Ceremony of Aid: A day of fasting for Zen Center residents, and others are welcome to join in. Monetary offerings collected during the ceremony will be donated to RMAN (Rochester Mutual Aid Network). Sunday, November 19 8:30 a.m. Zazen at 8:30 followed by Ceremony of Gratitude at 9:30…

Ceremony of Aid

Beginning at 7 p.m., we’ll sit for two rounds followed by the Ceremony of Aid. Mind is unlimited. Chanting when performed egolessly has the power to penetrate visible and invisible worlds. —  Roshi Philip Kapleau For our annual Ceremony of Aid, we seek to send spiritual and material aid to where it is acutely needed….

Zen 101

At our Introduction to Zen Meditation workshops, we cover the basics of zazen: posture, breath practice, and kinhin (walking meditation). In Zen 101, we discuss the more outward forms of Zen practice such as:  Prostrations: How do we do them and why?  Traditional Zen chanting.  Getting acquainted with some Zen terminology (e.g., Bodhisattva, Jukai, Rakusu,…

Esther Gokhale Workshop

Free Gokhale Workshop, Thursday, September 14, 7:00 pm. Esther Gokhale, author of 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back, an excellent resource on posture and body mechanics, will be in Rochester to lead workshops on September 14 and 15. As she has done in prior years, she has generously offered to lead a free session for our…

RZC Joins the ROC Pride Parade

The Sangha Programs Office is organizing a contingent of marchers for the upcoming Rochester Pride Parade. We’re looking for people (including allies) who are interested in marching alongside a few RZC staff members. The parade starts at 1:00 pm on July 15 and the route begins on Park Avenue (near Arnold Park) and leads to…