Upcoming Sangha Programs

Saturday, March 9

Sunday, March 10 

Spring Forward Early Sunday Morning

Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday, March 10, at 2 am. Be sure to set your clocks one hour ahead before going to bed tonight.

Zazen and Teisho by John-sensei: Sunday, March 10

At 8:30 am in the zendo at Arnold Park, we’ll have one extended round of sitting with a bell at the half-way point for a posture change, followed by kinhin, a short chanting service, and then John-sensei’s teisho. You can join for any or all of it on Zoom.

Last Call for Trustee Self-Nominations: Monday, March 11 Deadline

Do you have leadership experience in some area of organizational functioning (e.g., human resources, financial planning, marketing, fundraising, legal affairs)? If so, we hope you’ll consider nominating yourself to serve on the Center’s Board of Trustees, which involves a three-year commitment.

Complete the form here and email it to nominations no later than Monday, March 11. For questions or more information, contact Darin Harris.

Repentance Ceremony, Thursday, March 14, 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Everyone is invited to join with fellow Sangha members in the Arnold Park zendo or online for zazen (with dokusan), followed by this meaningful ceremony. Since the time of Shakyamuni Buddha, repentance has been an integral aspect of Buddhist practice. As Zen master Dogen said, “Sincere repentance helps us to cleanse our minds of delusion, greed, and hostility, and thus the effects of past misdeeds loosen and dissolve.”

Both in-person and online participants will have the opportunity – if they wish – to share anything that they regret or that weighs upon their mind. Once everyone has had a chance to speak, we finish by reciting the repentance gatha together. For questions or more information, contact Jissai.