Please use this form to confirm which blocks of sitting you plan to attend. Also, at the bottom there is a place to pay for your sesshin at $7/block through PayPal. If you plan on paying by another method (check, Monex, Abbots' Fund, etc.) please indicate that in the Special Instructions field. If you have any questions about the form please email [email protected].
Contact Preference for During Sesshin

Blocks Attending

Please uncheck all of the blocks you do not plan to attend online at this sesshin
Friday Evening

Fee Calculation

This number will be 7 unless you unchecked blocks you don't plan to attend
Please indicate here if you plan on paying by a method other than PayPal (including check, Monex, and the Abbots' Fund.).
Enter your "Total Number of Blocks Attending" minus deductions explained in "Special Instructions" (if any)
Price: $1.00
If you wish to give to the Training Fund, please enter a dollar amount in the "Quantity" field. The additional amount will automatically reflect in the "Total Cost" below.