Cleveland Cancellation

The Cleveland Weekend Intensive, previously scheduled for August 12-14, has been cancelled. There were not enough in-person participants to make Roshi’s trip there a reasonable choice in light of the other demands on his time this summer. Moreover, logistics for the Intensive would have been complicated by the high COVID-19 transmission rates in the three states/counties from which folks were planning to come into the small zendo space at the Cleveland Zen Group.

Saturday Dokusan, August 6 and 13

Saturday-morning dokusan was instituted years ago to accommodate members who have a hard time making it to the dokusans held regularly at weekday sittings. To attend this Saturday at 10:00 with Sensei or next Saturday at 9:00 with Roshi, take a seat on the left side of the Arnold Park zendo, near the Kannon Room, any time before the scheduled dokusan. An announcement will be made in the zendo right before dokusan begins.

“Just Sitting” This Sunday

Because some members welcome the occasional stretch of sitting with no teisho or Dharma talk (or the sounds of dokusan), the sitting this Sunday will consist of just three 30-minute rounds with kinhin.

As usual, Sunday will be broadcast on Zoom and on the Center’s audio livestream.

Also This Sunday: Sangha Hike!

All are welcome to join a Sangha hike at Chapin Mill, our country property near Batavia. We’ll hit the trail from in front of the barn at 2:00 p.m., led by Arnold Park resident Jake Langendorfer. For more information and to sign up, email Dené Redding.

September 2-Day Sesshin Application

The deadline for applying to the upcoming 2-day sesshin (September 9-11, led by Eryl Kubicka) is Thursday, August 18. This date is earlier than usual because of the staff break. However, if you do apply late, the odds are very good that you’ll still be able to attend.