Eryl Kubicka first came to Buddhism in 1969 through Christmas Humphreys’ London Buddhist Society. In 1980 she joined the Rochester Zen Center’s affiliate group in Madison, WI,  and then moved to Rochester in 2004. Her first teacher was Roshi Philip Kapleau. In 2006, she was invested as a lay member of the Three Jewels Order of the Center.

In addition to offering Private instruction, leading, participating in, and monitoring sesshin, Eryl is also the rental coordinator for our Retreat Center at Chapin Mill.  She helps facilitate The Zen of Living and Dying program with her husband, Ven. Wayman Kubicka, is a participant in the Center’s Prison Dharma Program at Attica Correctional Facility, is a mentor for the Youth and Family Program, and is part of the Leadership and Planning Group for Uprooting Racism.

When she has time, she loves to garden.