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Email: March 2

Dispensing (In Part) with Masks! With the steep drop in Monroe County’s infection rate, the Center’s COVID-19 task force is no longer requiring masks during the workday or for zazen and kinhin. We will continue wearing masks for chanting, including when we recite the Four Vows and Verse of the Rakusu. We’ve resumed chanting on…

Email: February 16

Dharma Talk This Sunday (February 20) Postponed This Sunday’s Dharma Talk has been re-scheduled for Sunday, March 20. This Sunday, February 20, we’ll sit for three 30-minute rounds with kinhin in between, ending with the Four Vows. Are Zen Center Library Books Lying around Your Home? Because of COVID-19 restrictions during the past two years, we now…

Email: February 10

Happy Friday! Join host Brenda Reeb on February 11, 4:30-5:45 pm EST, on Zoom for this Friday social event. How was your week? What are you looking forward to over the weekend? Want companionship in a socially distant way? Need help with something? We’ll use a round-robin format to check in with everyone who wants…